家族企业vs. 家庭界限:划清界限


家庭 businesses have been at the core of America’s wealth creation for centuries. Founders take a leap of faith to launch their business, often risking everything they have and spending their waking hours hoping to realize their vision. 有些人会成功, but with success comes a new host of challenges, like balancing the demands of 家庭 life and business needs.

While many people understand that the chances of a small business succeeding are slim, few understand the difficulties of building a business around 家庭 dynamics. At best, the 家庭 acts as a source of trust, loyalty, and dedication. 但在最坏的情况下, resentment and toxic relationships can create divides between people and drain businesses of their health.


It’s challenging to keep 家庭 and business boundaries from becoming entangled, especially when 家庭 and business 角色 overlap. When the 角色 of parent/child and spouse/spouse are mixed with boss/employee and business partner/partner, there’s a possibility of 家庭 and business goals becoming convoluted, 这对所有人都不健康.

把家庭目标和事业目标分开. 家庭 goals are often emotions-based and focused on nurturing and acceptance, whereas business goals tend to be logic-based and focused on customers and profits. 虽然有时会很困难, the boundary between work and life should be clearly defined and communicated, 所以每个人都感到被倾听和尊重.


Collaboration is often considered essential to creating healthy boundaries between 家庭 and business. 让每个人都参与进来, you’ll be better able to define your 家庭 values and use them as the core of your business’ shared vision.

Consider planning some time to meet with your 家庭 and create separate plans for your business, 家庭, 个人目标. Each of these areas may benefit from having its own separate mission statement, 角色, and expectations to guide 家庭 members both within and outside of the business. These plans should be monitored separately so that if conflicts arise, 这些问题可以由合适的人来解决. You may even want to consider creating a 家庭 council or advisory board to help address conflicts and issues.

随着事业和家庭的成熟, 的需求, 希望, and dispositions of each 家庭 member may change. By striving for transparent communication in both personal and business enterprises, everyone will be more likely to adhere to boundaries.

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